We know surfing. We know the highs. We know the lows. We've scored perfection by hiking over to the next bay, stacked boards till the car roof dents, seen them bounced by baggage handlers, and slept in our boardbags to wake up to surf on our doorstep. We've been there and we've loved it and we've learned. And its made us want to make surf gear better. To discuss, develop, test, argue and design a better way. And to make stuff that makes sense and makes you think 'why didn't I think of that?

Its no secret that the world is a busy place. You're not monks. You deal with work, relationships, computers, phones, lawns, bills, family….and there are those times the conditions look sketchy and you're weighing up whether to surf or not. Calculating the effort involved and the likelihood of scoring quality. Our aim is to minimise the things that might hold you back, so we designed our gear around this, to increase your mobility finding waves and better protect your gear. Ultimately we'd like to make you better prepared for going surfing, but if we can even help motivate you to just get out there we're plenty happy with that too.

Whether driving to the local beach or jetting to tropical paradise, Curve gear aims to free up your options. And to help you seek, find and surf where the waves are best.

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